2025: Blood, White & Blue

  • Doug Boethin Serena Starks Timothy Banfield
  • 120分钟
  • In the year 2025, the 45th President of the United…In the year 2025, the 45th President of the United States of America is back for his 2rd term in office and re-implements the Purge. With the 2nd Mexican border wall in the works, Homeland Security is cracking down on criminals to Make America Safe Again. Bill Wilson makes the bust of his career by taking down a member of the Mexican Drug Cartel and makes a small seizure of nar...

2025: Blood, White & Blue分集剧情

2025: Blood, White & Blue第20集剧情查看详细

  "Moebius Part 2" 时空怪圈(下)在这个时空中Daniel他们见到了很多老面孔如Kawalsky、Davis上尉、Hammond和Ra。在这个时候Teal’c仍是Apophis的第一精锐,O’Neill和Carter还拥吻了。在前个时空中…

2025: Blood, White & Blue第19集剧情查看详细

  "Moebius Part 1" 时空怪圈(上) 在某个时空中SG1搭乘时间飞船返回古代寻找ZPM,但出了差错回不去了从而扰乱了时空。另一个时空的Carter他们说服Jack去到SGC,希望利用时间飞船再次前往Abydos试图修复时…

2025: Blood, White & Blue第18集剧情查看详细

  "Threads" 线索 整个银河系面临着全新的来自Goa’uld的威胁,Daniel面临着新的抉择,Oma Desala给了他第二次机会变为升天态。与此同时Bra’tac大师和Teal’c在Dakara着手建设一个新的Jaffa国家。在SG…


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